OnePlus One was launched In the year 2014, OnePlus has made a big splash with its One smartphone. It created a buzz because it had features that other flagship smartphones offer for almost half the cost. Now it is expected that the company will come out with a bigger surprise with the launch of its successor.
The new smartphone will be called OnePlus Two. Also the company has been teasing the launch date of the device as June 1. Though we are excited to see what the company has in store for us next. A fresh report is suggesting that the price of OnePlus One might be revised on June 1.
This report also adds, currently, that come Monday, and the price of OnePlus One will be reduced by $50. Currently the 64GB variant of OnePlus One is retailing at $348 but people might be able to get it for $298 post the cut and the 16GB variant's new price will be $248.
However, the report maintains that so far there will be no change the India pricing of the OnePlus One, which will be rather sad. Considering that India is a price-sensitive market, the company has been passing on all the discounts and price cuts. So, we are hoping that sooner or later we might also get to see a revision in the price of OnePlus One but it may not be equivalent to $50.
The new smartphone will be called OnePlus Two. Also the company has been teasing the launch date of the device as June 1. Though we are excited to see what the company has in store for us next. A fresh report is suggesting that the price of OnePlus One might be revised on June 1.
This report also adds, currently, that come Monday, and the price of OnePlus One will be reduced by $50. Currently the 64GB variant of OnePlus One is retailing at $348 but people might be able to get it for $298 post the cut and the 16GB variant's new price will be $248.
However, the report maintains that so far there will be no change the India pricing of the OnePlus One, which will be rather sad. Considering that India is a price-sensitive market, the company has been passing on all the discounts and price cuts. So, we are hoping that sooner or later we might also get to see a revision in the price of OnePlus One but it may not be equivalent to $50.
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