Friday, May 29, 2015

Google launched Password manager called Smart Lock for its Android and Chrome

While the Google I/O is going on, Google does not mentioned anything related to Password manager in its keynote session, but Google has launched a password manager for Android & Chrome named Smart Lock to keep Passwords, we found it on Google's developer page in Google Identity Platform.

As per Google users will be able to Sign-in into Android Apps & websites within Chrome with hassle free manner & user will get Signed-in to all devices automatically. This will also help user to save their credentials into Smart Lock & once it is save they no longer required to enter their credentials to login to Android app or in Chrome website once the user is logged in.

This will help user to keep their password safe & risk of forgetting password will also come down, this will only work with trusted apps or sites. Netflix, The New York Times, Instacard, Orbitz and Evenbrite are some of the services that will support the feature. Unlike password managers like LastPass, the system will not work with all app and developers will need to integrate the features through Google's API.

This feature will be part of Google Play service 7.5 that means user will not have to wait for the release of Android M to use it,

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